Edelweiss General Insurance - new add-on features Edelweiss General Insurance Company has introduced new add-on features in its health insurance policy. It will guarantee customers
Axis Bank - Tap & Pay
Axis Bank - Tap & Pay Axis Bank has rolled out Axis Tap & Pay. The mobile app will be available for all MasterCard and Visa, debit and credit cards issued by Axis Bank. A maximum of Rs. 2,000 per transaction is allowed.
Tata Small Cap Fund.
Tata Small Cap Fund. Tata Mutual Fund has launched Tata Small Cap Fund. The NFO closes on 2 November, 2018 The scheme will generate capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity related instruments of small cap companies. The minimum investment is Rs. 5,000.
Axis Growth Opportunities Fund
Axis Growth Opportunities Fund Axis Mutual Fund has launched Axis Growth Opportunities Fund. The scheme will invest in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related instruments both in India as well as overseas. The NFO closes on 15 October. The minimum investment is R…
Invesco India Smallcap Fund..!
Invesco India Smallcap Fund..! Invesco Mutual Fund has introduced Invesco India Smallcap Fund. The scheme will invest in stocks of smallcap companies. The minimum investment is Rs. 5,000. The issue closes on 24 October, 2018.
Mahindra Rural Bharat And Consumption Yojana
Mahindra Rural Bharat And Consumption Yojana Mahindra Mutual Fund has rolled out Mahindra Rural Bharat And Consumption Yojana. It will invest in equity and equity related instruments of entities expected to benefit from the growth in rural India. The minimum investment is Rs…
UTI Mutual Fund - Floater Fund
UTI Mutual Fund - Floater Fund UTI Mutual Fund has introduced UTI Floater Fund. It will invest in floating rate instruments and fixed rate instruments swapped for floating rate returns. The minimum investment is Rs. 5,000. The NFO closes on 26 October, 2018.
Personal Financial Management : MASS’2018 - Money Avenues Savers’ Survey 2018 Result
Financial Management : MASS’2018 - Money Avenues Savers’ Survey 2018 Result V GOPALAKRISHNAN Founder & CEO MONEY AVENUES MASS’2018 (Money Avenues Savers’ Survey 2018) Understanding the minds of the
people has always been intriguing and challenging for all the busin…
Who Killed the Indian Rupee Value?
Who Killed the Indian Rupee Value? PM - Rs start to finish (Rs. slide in %) Jawaharlal Nehru - Rs.1 to 4.76 (376%) Indira Gandhi - Rs.7.50 to 11.36 (51%) Rajiv Gandhi - Rs.11.36 to 17.50 (54%) P.V.Narsimarao - Rs.22.74 to 41.26 (81%) NDA1 (A.B. Vajpayee) - Rs.43.06 to 45.32 (5%) Ma…
REASONS FOR FALL SHARE MARKET 2008 vs 2018 REASON FOR CRASH IN 2008 2008 crash started from Oct 2007 and last in June 2009. Basically 2008 crash was due to global factors unlike
2018 crash which is causing due to domestic factors. 29 September 2008 stock market crash happened b…