Who Killed the Indian Rupee Value?

Who Killed the Indian Rupee Value? PM - Rs start to finish  (Rs. slide in %) Jawaharlal Nehru - Rs.1 to 4.76 (376%) Indira  Gandhi - Rs.7.50 to 11.36 (51%) Rajiv  Gandhi - Rs.11.36 to 17.50 (54%) P.V.Narsimarao -  Rs.22.74 to 41.26 (81%) NDA1 (A.B. Vajpayee) -  Rs.43.06 to 45.32 (5%) Ma…


REASONS FOR FALL SHARE MARKET 2008 vs 2018 REASON FOR CRASH IN 2008 2008 crash started from Oct 2007 and last in June 2009. Basically 2008 crash was due to global factors unlike 2018 crash which is causing due to domestic factors. 29 September 2008 stock market crash happened b…

BSE Commodities gains momentum with 10% market share in Gold in the first week of trading operations

BSE Commodities gains momentum with 10% market share in Gold in the first week of trading operations Mumbai October 11, 2018: On October 10, 2018, BSE Gold Contract witnessed a turnover of ₹191.41 Crore which is 10% of the gold contract traded in competitive exchanges. BSE has…

BSE StAR MF created SIP STORM in Indian Mutual Funds Industry

BSE StAR MF created SIP STORM in Indian Mutual Funds Industry Mumbai: 11 October 2018: India’s largest and most acceptable digital Infrastructure, BSE StAR MF yesterday i.e. October 10, 2018 recorded 11,111 SIP in a single day by Swastika Investmart Ltd.   Mutual funds Distrib…

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Dr. Manmohan Singh, 1932-2024 a distinguished economist and former Prime Minister of India Economic Liberalization of (1991): As Finance Min...