DCB Ba n k an n oun c es Full Year F Y 2 01 7 Resul t s T he B oa r d o f Di r ec t o r s o f DC B B ank L t d . ( BSE : 532772; NS E : DCB ) at i t s m e e t i ng i n N ew D e l hi on A p ri l 14, 2017, t o o k on r eco r d t he a ud i t ed f i nanc i al of t he f ou r t h q u a rt e r (Q 4 F Y 2017) and t he y ear e n ded M a r ch 31,
2017 ( FY 2017 ) . FY 2017 H i g h li g h t s: a) T he B a n k ’ s P r o f i t A ft er T ax w as …
Name Mis-match: How to link PAN Card with Aadhaar number
PAN Card with Aadhaar number Linking of PAN card with Aadhaar
card is easy when the name /date of birth /gender matches in both Aadhaar and PAN
card. For those peoples for whom the
authentication process gets failed it is because of the difference in data in
both the do…
Tamilnadu Investors Association Paid Class - Understanding Financial Statements April 29 2017, Chennai
Tamilnadu Investors Association's Paid Class - Topic - Understanding Financial Statements Date: April 29 2017 Venue: Chennai For More details Mr. C. Rajashankar, Vice President, Tamilnadu Investors Association crshankar66@gmail.com
TIA & SEBI Investor Awareness Programe 16 April 2017 Chennai Entry free
TIA & SEBI Investor Awareness Programe 16 April 2017 Chennai Entry free For more details C. Rajashankar, Vice President, Tamilnadu Investors Association crshankar66@gmail.com