DCB Bank Q4FY17 : Bank's PAT was at INR 200 Cr. in FY 2017 as against INR 195 Cr. in 2016

DCB Bank Q4FY17 : Bank's PAT was at INR 200 Cr. in FY 2017 as against INR 195 Cr. in 2016
DCB Ba n k an n oun c es Full Year F Y 2 01 7 Resul t s T he B oa r d o f Di r ec t o r s o f DC B B ank L t d . ( BSE : 532772; NS E : DCB ) at i t s m e e t i ng i n N ew D e l hi on A p ri l 14, 2017, t o o k on r eco r d t he a ud i t ed f i nanc i al of t he f ou r t h q u a rt e r (Q 4 F Y 2017) and t he y ear e n ded M a r ch 31, 2017 ( FY 2017 ) . FY 2017 H i g h li g h t s: a) T he B a n k ’ s P r o f i t A ft er T ax w as …

Name Mis-match: How to link PAN Card with Aadhaar number

Name Mis-match: How to link PAN Card with Aadhaar number
link PAN Card with Aadhaar number Linking of PAN card with Aadhaar card is easy when the name /date of birth /gender matches in both Aadhaar and PAN card. For those peoples for whom the authentication process gets failed it is because of the difference in data in both the do…

Tamilnadu Investors Association Paid Class - Understanding Financial Statements April 29 2017, Chennai

Tamilnadu Investors Association Paid Class - Understanding Financial Statements April 29 2017, Chennai
Tamilnadu Investors Association's Paid Class -  Topic - Understanding Financial Statements  Date: April 29 2017 Venue:  Chennai For More details Mr. C. Rajashankar, Vice President,  Tamilnadu Investors Association crshankar66@gmail.com

TIA & SEBI Investor Awareness Programe 16 April 2017 Chennai Entry free

TIA & SEBI Investor Awareness Programe 16 April 2017 Chennai Entry free
TIA & SEBI Investor Awareness Programe  16 April 2017 Chennai  Entry free For more details C. Rajashankar, Vice President,  Tamilnadu Investors Association crshankar66@gmail.com

D’Mart - Balancing the Ownership Verses Leasing Act..!

D’Mart -  Balancing the Ownership Verses Leasing Act..!
D’Mart -  Balancing the Ownership Verses Leasing Act..!  By Mr.  Pankaj Renjhen, JLL India The recently closed Rs. 1,870-crore D’Mart  initial public offering (IPO) got listed at Rs. 604.40 - a 102.14% premium over its issue price of Rs. 299 per share. It received bids for 46…

Affordable housing - Greatest demand is from end-users and Property Investors..!

Affordable housing - Greatest demand is from end-users and Property Investors..!
Affordable Housing - The Increasingly Complex Indian Scenario..! - by Mr. Anil Pharande, Chairman - Pharande Spaces Cost-effective housing is a key problem in all developing countries, but India definitely presents a remarkable case study. While India's constantly expandi…

Housing Subsidy - Different Perspective!!!

Housing Subsidy - Different Perspective!!!
Subsidy - Different Perspective!!! By Mr. B. Padmanaban, Financial Planner, Fortuneplanners.com , Chennai I strongly believe many will not agree what I have written below, my only request is to see in a different perspective, probably some of you might appreciate! Subsidy - A su…

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