Second House Home Loan : What Points to be Noted?
Home LoanBy Mr.Satheesh Kumar, Auditor, Chennai I n India , real estate plays major role, more particularly in Tamil …
By Mr.Satheesh Kumar, Auditor, Chennai I n India , real estate plays major role, more particularly in Tamil …
By Roopa Nayak , Pulak Saha ,Rajiv J. Luthia , Ashok Batra, Bimal Jain, Sumantra Guha (All are CA) Meaning o…
As a joint venture with JMB, ICIPL has come up with a new housing project near Manapakkam, Chennai the ICIPL Amora. …
International Tech Park Chennai, a joint venture between TIDCO & Ascendas, has been awarded the LEED Gold certifi…
Max Bupa Health Insurance is a fixed benefit health insurance plan that allows policyholder to choose a combination of …
SBI (State Bank of India) mutual fund had started a new service called M - Easy, wherein the customer can invest / or r…
The amount of housing loan sanctioned is about 75% to 80 % (in certain cases up to 90 per cent) of the cost of proper…
Chennai based leading builder RAJARATHNAM CONSTRUCTION (P) LTD. Its new flat projects in Amabattur - Thirumullaivoy…
VGN Developers Pvt. Ltd., one of the leading real estate developers in Chennai, announced the launch of their prest…
Calling for burning the antiquated laws of the British Raj that govern urban development, housing industry, developer…