Telangana Builders Federation seek slashing stamp duty to 2%
Real Estate - Stamp DutyTelangana Builders Federation seek slashing stamp duty to 2% …
Telangana Builders Federation seek slashing stamp duty to 2% …
Stamp Duty and Registration fees in Indian States Stamp duty rates on Conveyance (Sale Deed) Tamil…
Punjab state government has decided to remit stamp duty in whole, chargeable on instruments pertaining to transfer of…
by Mr. Arvind Jain, Managing Director – Pride Group Definition Of Stamp Duty.. Stamp Duty is a type of tax or d…
The Assam State Cabinet has approved the amendments to the Indian Registration Act 1908 (Assam Amendment 2013) rece…
Mr. Shyam Sunder, Advocate and author of the Book titled `Property registration, land records and building approval p…
Choice of method of paying stamp duty is dependent on the state in which stamp duty is to be paid Ms. Shabnum Kaj…
People buying new apartments in the Tamilnadu state will now have to pay 2 % additional registration charges as the…
The Tamilnadu Government have examined the proposals of the Inspector General of Registration and decided to accept th…