Mr. Chokkalingam Palaniappan, a mutual fund distributor (MFD) based in Chennai, had a rewarding year, with his business reaching new milestones. His business crossed Rs.1,000 Crores in Assets Under Management (AUM), a significant achievement, especially since many of his investors were new to the mutual fund market.
First-time investors..!
He takes pride in guiding these first-time investors, helping them understand market risks & embrace long-term equity investments. His approach focuses on educating investors, ensuring they are aware of market volatility, and positioning their portfolios for any potential downturns. This strategy has helped build long-term relationships, with clients returning for more
During periods of market downturns, Mr. Chokkalingam Palaniappan focuses on constant communication, reassuring clients with historical market recovery examples. His future goals are centered on client satisfaction rather than specific financial targets, aiming for 100% client happiness.
He believes the mutual fund industry will continue to grow rapidly in India, with more people turning to mutual funds for their portfolios.
With 18 years in the business, Mr. Chokkalingam Palaniappan has weathered several market crashes, including the 2007-2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 downturn. He attributes his success to his deep understanding of market cycles & a methodical approach to portfolio management. His strategy involves dividing portfolios into short, medium, and long-term buckets, ensuring clients are prepared for market fluctuations. He also emphasizes investor education through platforms like YouTube, which has helped build investor confidence.
His success strategy revolves around aligning investments with the investor's risk profile and setting conservative expectations. He also ensures clients understand the potential risks involved. In terms of marketing, he has made significant strides by contributing articles, participating in TV shows, and conducting awareness programs.
Chokkalingam Palaniappan, Director, Prakala Wealth Pvt Ltd, Chennai