We become one of the *Business Associate* of *Share Samadhan* (an unclaimed *Investment & Debtor Recovery Company).*
They provide the following legal services to those who need their support.
*Recover Your Money / Investment*
*Old Shares / IEPF Claim*
*Unclaimed Mutual Funds*
*Unclaimed Insurance*
*Unclaimed Provident Fund*
*Unclaimed Bank Deposit*
*Real estate Recovery*
*Loans givens to Parties*
*Transmission claim - in case of Death*
*Debtor Recovery*
*Share Samadhan has already recovered more than Rs.500/- Cr* to their *1000+ clients.*
I request you to kindly make a note of this new Associate.
Please inform your Friends and Relatives those who need the above legal services/ support from them.
S. Kumar