A Personal Finance Webinar on “Myths about Wealth Creation”
Investment Guru
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
A Personal Finance Webinar on "Myths about Wealth Creation"
Holistic Investment Planners invite you for a Personal Finance Webinar on "Myths about Wealth Creation"
Guest Speaker: Mr. Deepak Mehta - Head of Sales Management - UTI AMC Ltd.
Date: 19.11.2022, Saturday
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (IST)
Medium: Zoom
How will this webinar benefit you?
- Different types of myths about wealth creation
- How myths can prevent you from achieving your financial goals?
- Hurdles created by wealth creation myths and how to avoid them?
- How myths can affect your potential wealth creation?
- Understanding wealth-creating myths and How to demystify them?
- Investment strategies to overcome myths about wealth creation.
- How to do wealth creation through asset allocation?
- Understanding investment vehicles for wealth creation!
Discover all these answers and more personal finance updates at this online webinar.
This webinar session aims to equip you with the knowledge of how to accumulate wealth for the long term.
Do spread the word about the webinar with your social circle!