Life Flexi Wealth Plus is a ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan), which combines
protection and savings benefits into a flexible and straight forward solution.
it is accumulating wealth for supporting your child’s higher education or
protecting their future financially from life’s uncertainties, this plan will
help you fulfil all requirements.
The ULIP allows you to utilize different investment strategies and various
market-linked fund options, so that you can avail returns as per your
risk appetite.
this flexible ULIP plan offers 3 types of additions - Guaranteed Loyalty
Additions and Guaranteed Wealth Boosters and Return of Mortality Charges to
help maximize your accumulated fund value that you receive upon surviving the
policy tenure.
Max Life Flexi Wealth Plus also allows you to make partial withdrawals from
your accumulated fund value once the initial lock-in period of five years is
over. The ULIP comes with additional tax benefits on the premiums paid and
received benefits, as per the applicable tax laws.