Who Killed the Indian Rupee Value?
PM - Rs start to finish
(Rs. slide in %)
Jawaharlal Nehru -
Rs.1 to 4.76 (376%)
Indira Gandhi -
Rs.7.50 to 11.36 (51%)
Rajiv Gandhi -
Rs.11.36 to 17.50 (54%)
P.V.Narsimarao -
Rs.22.74 to 41.26 (81%)
NDA1 (A.B. Vajpayee) -
Rs.43.06 to 45.32 (5%)
Manmohan Singh -
Rs.45.32 to 62.33 (38%)
NDA2 (Narendra Modi) -
Rs.62.33 to 73 (About 17%)
Records,/ Data Speaks.