AMFI- Association of Mutual Funds in India
Rationalisation of tax
treatment on Switching of Investments under Mutual Funds v/s ULIPs of Insurance
Currently, Intra-Scheme
Switch transactions, i.e., switching of investment in Units from Growth
Option to Dividend Option (or vice-versa) within the same scheme of a Mutual
Fund constitutes a “Transfer” under the current Income Tax regime and is
liable to capital gains tax, even though the investment remains within the
mutual fund scheme, i.e., the underlying securities/ portfolio remaining
unchanged, being common for both Options.
• However, the switches to/from various investment plans
of the same Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) of insurance companies does not
constitute transfer and is not subjected to Capital Gains Tax.
To have a level playing field
and uniformity in taxation of investment in Mutual Funds schemes and ULIPs of
Insurance companies, it is proposed that in case of Intra-Scheme Switches
(switching of investment within the same scheme of a Mutual Fund) be also not
regarded as a “Transfer” under Section 47 of the IT Act, 1961 and be exempt
from payment of capital gains tax.
In its “Long Term Policy for
Mutual Funds”, SEBI has emphasised the principle that similar products
should get similar tax treatment, and the need to eliminate tax arbitrage
that results in launching similar products under supervision of different
regulators. Thus, there is need to have uniformity in the tax treatment for
“Switch” transaction in respect Insurance products and Mutual Fund Products to
have a level playing field