AMFI- Association of Mutual Funds in India
Exemption from Dividend
Distribution Tax (DDT) in respect
of Tax-exempt Institutional Investors
The Finance Act, 2013
introduced a new Section 115TA relating to Tax on Distributed Income by
Securitisation Trusts.
The proviso to Section 115TA states that Dividend
Distribution Tax (DDT) will not be charged when the income is distributed by a
Securitization Trust to a person in whose case, the income, irrespective of its
nature and the source, is not chargeable to tax under the Income Tax Act.
It is proposed that on the same
analogy as per proviso to Section 115TA, Tax-exempt institutional investors
such as EPFO, NPS, Insurance Companies, non-profit Section 8 companies etc. or
Pass-through vehicles who invest on behalf of their investors / contributors/
policyholders in Mutual Funds schemes or Infrastructure Debt Funds of Mutual
Funds, should be exempt from Dividend Distribution Tax under section 115R of the
Income Tax Act.
Although pre-tax
returns from Debt Mutual Fund schemes or Infrastructure Debt Funds are
competitive, due to the levy of DDT u/S. 115R, the post-DDT returns adversely
impacts the net returns for the investors. This acts as a deterrent for
Tax-exempt institutional investors from investing in mutual fund schemes and
MF-IDFs, due to the disparity in the tax treatment of income earned from MFs /
MF-IDFs vis-a-vis other interest-bearing financial instruments.
• While waiving DDT in respect of Tax-exempt
institutional investors would not affect the Government’s revenue, it would
eliminate arbitrage between incomes earned from MFs / MF-IDFs vis-à-vis other
interest-bearing financial instruments.