LIC's Jeevan
Umang- which covers life up to 100 years..!
Life Insurance Corporation
of India (LIC of India) recently
launched `Jeevan
Umang', a plan that offers cover up to the age of 100.
The policy offers annual
survival benefits from the end of the premium-paying term till the age of 99,
and a lumpsum payment at the time of maturity, or on the policyholder's death.
The product, which
covers life up to 100 years, is called a whole-life product. ET digs deep into
whole-life products and finds out who should buy it.
1. How does a whole-life
policy work..?
A whole-life plan is a
life insurance policy that remains throughout the lifetime of the insured.
Some companies have
launched whole-life policies that offer maturity and death benefit under such a
policy . The advantages are fixed costs and low premium payments.
LIC's product offers
maturity benefit after 40 years from the date of commencement of the policy ,
provided the insured becomes 80.
2. Who can buy Jeevan Umang?
Though different
companies have different age limits of buying this policy , LIC's Jeevan Umang
can be bought by anyone between 90 days and 55 years.
Though the maturity age
is 100 years, companies have launched products with 80 years maturity .
If the insured lives
past the maturity age, the policy will become a matured endowment.
The insured will get the
benefit as maturity benefit in any money back or endowment plan.
3. What is the return?
Return varies depnding
on insurers.
LIC's product offers
survival benefits equal to 8% of basic sum assured and paid-up sum assured,
respectively .
The policy pays first
survival benefit at the end of the premium-paying term and thereafter on
completion of each subsequent year till the life assured survives, or till the
policy anniversary prior to the date of maturity .
There's no upper limit to
the basic sum assured, but it has to be in multiples of Rs. 25,000, with
premium paying term options of 15, 20, 25 and 30 years.
Income tax benefit is
available provided all premiums have been paid.
4. What if a premium is
If the payment of
premium is discontin ued after three years, a paid-up policy for reduced sum
assured is secured.However, these reduced paid-up policies are not entitled to
participate in the bonus declared thereafter.
But the bonuses already
declared on the policy will remain attached, provided the policy is converted
into a paid-up policy after the premiums are paid for five years.
Src: ET, Shilpy Sinha