Savings % of GDP for India in year 2015 is 32%.
National Savings (% of GDP) for India in year 2015 is 32.002 %.
Data are based on individual countries'
national accounts statistics.
many countries, the estimates of national saving are built up from national
accounts data on gross domestic investment and from balance of payments-based
data on net foreign investment.
makes India No. 16 in world rankings according to Gross National Savings (% of
GDP) in year 2015.
world's average Gross National Savings (% of GDP) value is 17.53 %; India is
14.47 more than the average.
the previous year, 2014, Gross National Savings (% of GDP) for India was 32.68
% Gross National Savings (% of GDP) for India in 2015 was or will be 2.07% less
than it was or will be in 2014.