Restriction on cash transactions - Budget 2017 - 18
In India, the quantum of domestic black money is
huge which adversely affects the revenue of the Government creating a resource
crunch for its various welfare programmes.
Black money is generally transacted
in cash and large amount of unaccounted wealth is stored and used in form of
In order to achieve the mission of the Government
to move towards a less cash economy to reduce generation and circulation of
black money , it is proposed to insert section 269ST in the Act to provide that
no person shall receive an amount of three (3) lakh rupees or more,
(a) in aggregate
from a person in a day;
(b) in respect of a single transaction; or
(c) in
respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion from a person,
otherwise than by an account payee cheque or / account payee bank draft or use of
electronic clearing system through a bank account.
It is further proposed to provide that the said
restriction shall not apply to Government, any banking company , post office
savings bank or co-operative bank. Further, it is proposed that such other
persons or class of persons or receipts may be notified by the Central
Government, for reasons to be recorded in writing, on whom the proposed
restriction on cash transactions shall not apply . Transactions of the nature
referred to in section 269SS are proposed to be excluded from the scope of the
said section.
It is also proposed to insert new section 271DA
in the Act to provide for levy of penalty on a person who receives a sum in
contravention of the provisions of the proposed section 269ST. The penalty is
proposed to be a sum equal to the amount of such receipt.
The said penalty
shall however not be levied if the person proves that there were good and sufficient
reasons for such contravention. It is also proposed that any such penalty shall
be levied by the Joint Commissioner.
It is also proposed to consequentially
amend the provisions of section 206C to omit the provision relating to tax
collection at source at the rate of one per cent. of sale consideration on cash
sale of jewellery exceeding five lakh rupees.
These amendments will take effect
from 1st April, 2017. [Clauses 71, 83 & 84]