Extension of eligible period of concessional tax rate on interest in case
of External Commercial Borrowing and Extension of benefit to Rupee Denominated
Bonds - Budget 2017 - 18
The existing provisions of section 194LC of the
Act provide that the interest payable to a non-resident by a specified company
on borrowings made by it in foreign currency from sources outside India under a
loan agreement or by way of issue of any long-term bond including long-term
infrastructure bond shall be eligible for concessional TDS of five (5) per cent.
It further provides that the borrowings shall be
made, under a loan agreement at any time on or after the 1st July , 2012, but
before the 1st July , 2017; or by way of any long-term bond including long-term
infrastructure bond on or after the 1st October, 2014 but before the 1st July ,
2017, respectively . Representations have been received requesting for
extension of concessional rate of TDS under sections 194LC of the Act to boost
the economy by way of introduction of foreign capital. Therefore, it is
proposed to amend section 194LC to provide that the concessional rate of five
per cent. TDS on interest payment under this section will now be available in
respect of borrowings made before the 1st July , 2020. This amendment will take
effect from 1st April, 2018 and will, accordingly , apply in relation to the
assessment year 2018-19 and subsequent years.
Further, consequent upon demand from various
stakeholders for granting benefit of lower rate of TDS to rupee denominated
bonds, a Press Release dated 29th October, 2015 was issued clarifying that TDS
at the rate of 5% would be applicable to these bonds in the same way as
it is applicable for off-shore dollar denominated bonds. In order to give
effect to the above, it is further proposed to extend the benefit of section
194LC to rupee denominated bond issued outside India before the 1st July ,
This amendment will take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2016 and
will, accordingly , apply in relation to the assessment year 2016-17 and
subsequent years. [Clause 67]