The benefits of quitting
Smoke ..
No Smoke Without Fire
The benefits of
quitting nicotine
1. Time
Since Last Cigarette : 20 mins
Effect :
BP and pulse rate drop to normal
2. Time
Since Last Cigarette : 1 Day
Effect :
Probability of heart attack begins to decrease
3. Time
Since Last Cigarette : 3 Months
Effect :
Circulation improves
4. Time
Since Last Cigarette : 1 Year
:Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half of a continuing smoker
5. Time
Since Last Cigarette :5 to 15 years
Effect :
Risk of stroke is reduced to that of people who have never smoked
6. Time
Since Last Cigarette :15 Years
Effect :
Risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of people who have never
smoked, & the over all risk death almost the same, especially if the smoker
quits before illness develops
Readucing salt intake from 12 gms per day to 3
gms per day would reduce strokes by 1/3rd & coronary heart disease by 1/4th