Mutual Fund Investment: What is NAV?
Ever wondered what all that jargon
in fund factsheets or application forms or articles on investments mean? To
make it easier to understand the world of investing, we are starting a weekly
column explaining basic concept and terms.
Let’s start off with the one of the
most common terms in mutual funds – the NAV (Net Asset Value).
For many, the first question that
pops into your mind is what the NAV of the fund is. But unless you know what
exactly the NAV is meant for, you may wind up basing your decisions entirely on
the NAV number – a mistake. Here’s what you should know about NAV.
1. What is it?
When you invest in a fund, you buy
what are called units in the scheme. If you invested Rs 10,000 in a scheme, you
will receive units worth Rs 10,000. Now, how does the fund figure out how many
units to allot to you?
That is determined by the Net Asset
Value or the NAV of the fund. NAV is the per-unit value or per-unit price of a
particular mutual fund scheme. Continuing the example above, if the NAV of your
scheme is Rs 20, you will receive 500 units (i.e., 10,000/20) of the scheme. If
the NAV was Rs 50, you would receive 200 units.
- How is is calculated?
The NAV is arrived at by dividing
the total market value of the portfolio by the number of units. The NAV is
after factoring in the expense ratio – that is, all fund-related expenses are
netted out and the resultant value is taken to derive the NAV.
3. Why is it useful?
The NAV reflects the value of the
securities in the portfolio. It is influenced by the market price of the
securities in the portfolio and how much of the security the scheme holds. The change in NAV over a period will
tell you what the fund’s gain or loss is.
So if the NAV of a fund has moved
from Rs 10 to Rs 15 in a year, it has gained 50% for the year. The NAV is also
the figure used to arrive at the number of units allotted to you. Unit
allocation is a tool used to make it easier for the AMC to account for investments.
The inevitable conclusion most
people draw is this – a higher NAV means the fund is more expensive than a fund
with lower NAV, and a lower NAV is good because you get more units. Wrong.
In a mutual fund, what matters is
the value of your investment and not the number of units you have.
Here is an example. Look at the
table below. You have three funds, all with different NAVs.
Let’s say you put Rs. 10,000 in each, three
years ago. You have the highest number of units in UTI Equity and the least in
Franklin India Prima Plus. If you used the logic that lower NAVs are better
because its cheaper, UTI Equity should have been your best bet. But look at the
value of the holding at the end of the three years and the absolute gain you
made on each of the funds.
You made the most money on Franklin India Prima Plus, which had the highest NAV. UTI Equity had a lower NAV than Franklin India Prima Plus, but your gains were smaller. Before you conclude that a higher NAV is better, look at DSP BR Top 100. It has a higher NAV than UTI Equity, but it left you with less money than UTI Equity.
As you can now understand, there is
no connection at all between the absolute NAV number and your returns.
this – in a mutual fund, what you are buying is the performance. Therefore, it
is the extent or percentage of increase or decrease in the NAV that is
important. The absolute NAV is simply a number and completely irrelevant when
it comes to deciding which fund to invest in. It is simply an accounting tool
used to account for investors’ investments in a scheme.