Mutual Fund Investment: B15 Cities assets are 15.9% and growing at 19.69% in September 2015

15.9% of the assets of the mutual fund industry came from B15 locations in September2015.

Assets from B15 locations grew from Rs.1.72 lakh cr in September 2014 to Rs.2.06 lakh cr in September 2015.
The rate of growth in assets for B15 locations was 19.69% (21% for the industry as a whole)

September 2015
Rs crores
September 2014 
Rs crores


T15 refers to the top 15 geographical locations in India and B15 refers to the locations beyond the top 15. Rs. lakh cr is equivalent to Rs. trillion.

B15 has a more balanced mix than T15

Equity-oriented mutual fund schemes include equity & balance funds.
Non-equity oriented schemes include liquid and money market schemes and debt and debt-oriented funds.

T15 refers to the top 15 geographical locations in India and B15 refers to the locations beyond the top 15.

22.9% of Individual Assets are from B15 Locations
Institutions include domestic and foreign institutions and banks.
T15 refers to the top 15 geographical locations in India and B15 refers to the locations beyond the top 15.

Distributor Vs Direct Investor Type
Equity-oriented schemes include equity and balance funds.
Institutions include domestic and foreign institutions and banks.
HNIs are investors who invest with a ticket size of Rs. 5 lakhs or / above.

Distributor Vs Direct Scheme Type
Equity-oriented schemes include equity and balance funds.
Institutions include domestic and foreign institutions and banks.
HNIs are investors who invest with a ticket size of Rs. 5 lakhs or above

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