Komparify.com has launched its latest version of Planhound, an android mobile app that measures mobile usage, recommends best plans based on the usage pattern and facilitates purchase through phone. In other words, it’s a one stop shop to stretch the rupee and get best value for money spent. Komparify has currently over a million monthly users and plan to scale up to 10 million users. They are operationally profitable and growing 4x to 5x yoy. Planhound is available on Google Play Store.
Planhound 2.0 automatically detects all connections owned by a user - across mobile, internet (wired and wireless), landline and DTH (even if they were not recharged on the app or Komparify.com). It gives users live balances of each connection and alerts them at the moment of truth i.e. the right time to renew their packs, top-up their talktime balance, recharge their DTH connection or pay their postpaid bills. It can also unify all the connections owned by a family in the cloud if they have planhound installed on multiple devices. Planhound helps to make bill payments and online recharge through variety of payment options including “Ola Money”.
Mr. Jigar Doshi, Co-Founder, komarify.com says: “A standard data pack has some data limit - say 1GB and is valid for say 28 days. Your data pack can expire if you have used up your 1GB limit or your 28 days are over. Planhound alerts users on how much balance is left on their data pack and when it expires. It is smart enough to alert you at the right time to renew. It will also give you auto-recommendations based on your usage and the latest packs available and let you finish your recharge in a jiffy, with just a tap, like Magic!”
Mr. Ankit Chhajer, Co-Founder, komarify.com adds, “Planhound is not just a recharge app, it is a smart assistant which will take all the effort, do the right analysis for you and alert when it is time to take an action. With the new Planhound 2.0 launch, Komparify also announces partnership with Ola Money where all Ola users can now use their Ola Money balances to recharge / pay bills and get instant benefits. So millions of Ola Cab users have more reasons to keep a balance in their wallet. The Ola Money wallet can be used not just to enjoy cashless rides but also for recharges and bill payments.”
For more information: Please contact: Mr. Jigar Doshi, 95000 27575, jigardoshi@cheenilabs.com / Mr. Satyan Bhatt, MD, Prism PR, 98400 85411, satyanbhatt@prism-india.com