The Chennai Silks has brought in new and colorful range of garments for this year’s Diwali. The new range of dresses for the entire family include Kanji semi-transparent silk sarees, linen silk sarees, Gagri Long Netted Churidhar, Benares pattern Churidhar, Lehenga Sarees, Slim fit shirts and cotton pants, Indo-western suits, Velcro Veshti and Sherwani, sprill frock, pattu pavadai, enchanting Half saree, Men’s festive fashion, bridal collections, kids fashion, pretty salwar collections etc.
The Chennai Silks’ Gift Card, ranging from Rs. 500 upto Rs.10,000 gets you special discounts. For happy shopping experience, the management has put into place exclusive parking lots, where 200 cars and 500 two-wheelers can be parked! Piping hot food anytime at the ATM style “Food Box”, HDFC ATM for cash withdrawal and of course the unmistakable Chennai Silks staff courtesy and expertise will go a long way in making your visit a memorable one.
Customers can also shop online at contact: 044 2431 0888