Low Cost Housing in Earthquake Seismic Zone
by Mr. Pradeep Kumar Barik, CTS,
An Article from Our Building & Construction / October 2015
Unreinforced masonry (URM ) buildings are
the most
preferred shelter for the people in the
world belonging to lower economic bracket. Particularly in India, about two-third of the total Population
lives in masonry structures because of ease of construction,
availability of material and limited cost.
Performance of
such structures under gravity loading is quite
satisfactory. However, their Performance is very poor during extreme
loading events like earthquake, wind or blast load.
URM buildings suffered severe damages
leading to a collapse during medium to large earthquakes leading to significant
losses of life and property in the past earthquakes.
During the last 20 years, a number of
earthquakes Struck India. Past earthquakes in India (i.e Bihar, 1988;
Uttarkashi, 1991; Jabalpur, 1997; Chamoli, 1999; Bhuj, 2001; Andaman, 2002;
Sumatra, 2004; Kashmir, 2005; Sikkim, 2006; Sumatra, 2007;Durgapur, 2008;
Sikkim, 2011) showed the poor seismic Performance of URM buildings. In this
regard, it is the need ofthe hour to find ways and means to strengthen URM
buildings,which are the habitats of the majority of population of the world.
Many researches were carried out to
these structures using composite materials.
However, this
is not only costly but also requires
technical manpower
and sophisticated equipments for their
implementation. In
this context, the present study proposes
few alternative,
low cost and sustainable strengthening
approaches for
URM buildings in improving their earthquake
Strengthening Techniques..!
URM buildings need to be strengthened to
the casualties and economic loss during
Research on simple strengthening techniques
requiring any technical rigour and
enhancement in cost, for URM structures are
terse. Extent of failure in URM buildings
in the occurrence
of earthquake may ränge from horizontal
shear failure,
comer/junction failure and failure of
out-of-plane walls to
total collapse of the structure in a
brittle manner.
Moreover, presence of horizontal and
vertical mortar layers
becomes the cause of weakness for
initiating failure
in URM buildings. The tension and shear
carrying capacity
of mortars is too low and becomes the reason
of failure. In
this context, strength and stiffness of the
structure needs
to be worked on.
Further, the strengthening should be aimed
at Converting the brittle behavior of URM structure to ductile to the extent
possible. In view of the above facts, the use of poly propylene (PP) band
(commonly used as packaging material), horizontal L-shaped reinforcing bars and
chicken wire mesh may be used as strengthening materials for URM structures.
These techniques applied individually or in
maybe effective in improving the overall
enhancement in
tension and shear carrying capacity.
Further, it may also be
effective in improving the Joint behaviour.
By using the
above strengthening techniques, the
integrity of the
structure will improve.
In order to frame any guidelines, one needs
to experiment
(varying the dimension, aspect ratios,
thickness, type of
mortars and different quality of material)
using the above
proposed strengthening techniques. The above
techniques will not require any technical
manpower or
sophisticated equipments for implementation.
Further, the low cost and environment
friendly (sustainable
approach) will make the technique populär
for the non engineered structures. Another important aspect may also be
investigated regarding the use of URM buildings using fly ash bricks instead of clay burnt
bricks.As the less mass of fly ash brick made masonry structures
will enchain less earthquake forces.
By adopting the above proposed techniques
after conducting number of experiments, the casualties and economic loss will
be minimized in the developing countries which are frequently visited by low
to moderate earthquakes.
Source: New Horizons
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Low Cost Housing in Earthquake
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This article brought up some really interesting points that I haven't considered before. I would love to hear more opinions and thoughts on this topic.Cg Infra is a well-known residential and commercial building construction company in Coimbatore that provides reliable services at reasonable costs.