India:Financial Inclusion For All..!
By Mr.Rajesh Shukla, ICE 360°
The shift in political rhetoric from poverty alleviation
to financial inclusion is a subtle but significant change. While previous
governments waxed eloquent about eradicating poverty, the current one has
focused on the agenda of ‘financial inclusion for all’.
The launch of the ambitious Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan
Yojana, under the National Mission for Financial Inclusion, is aimed at
ensuring access to financial services by providing a host of benefits including
a bank savings account, life insurance & debit cards for all.
The objective is to reach out to millions of persons who
have until now had no access to formal banking facilities.
Nearly 17.5 Crore New Bank Accounts..!
The fact that 17.5 crore (175 million) new accounts have been opened
within a year is touted as evidence of the grand success of the scheme.
However, the real test should be whether it will
translate into securing for an entire generation of Indian households a
financial future, whereby they can convert their cash savings into prudent
investments and access credit with reasonable debt servicing options.
The necessary conditions for success would thus depend on
understanding Indians’ behaviour towards savings and expenditure, and using these
insights to design financial products that will enable consumers to make wise
decisions and grow their wealth.
The recent ICE 360 Survey 2014 conducted by PRICE
provides fascinating insights into these issues and gives us pointers to the
challenges that we, as a nation, face towards making true financial inclusion
an achievable goal.
A critical step is to understand the manner in which
people earn their income.
About 41% households (11.Crore / 112 million) are
A significant proportion (33%, or 9 crore / 90 million) is employed as
casual labour.
One-fifth (54 million / or 5.4 crore ) earn regular wages or / salaries.
Consequently, there would be a great demand for financial
services that offer reliable and low-cost sources of working capital, and that
allow the self-employed to optimise their inventories, buy productivity or /
service-enhancing assets with short payback periods.
Apart from the fact that the earning potential of these
self-employed people is low, they are also constrained by low levels of
So, any policy that focuses on financial inclusion of
this large segment of population needs to find ways to enhance their earning
potential by designing an appropriate set of financial products and services.
Added to that, steps need to be taken to create a banking
services environment that is perceived to be friendly and non-intimidating.
The second critical key to financial inclusion is
understanding savings and expenditure behaviour, and the linkages between the
two. Household expenditure patterns show that as income levels rise, the
spending on food items declines. Even so, at the aggregate level, the
proportion is still significant.
The other side of the expenditure story which has an
impact on financial inclusion is related to a household’s ‘unusual’
expenditures, i.e. those that is incurred but not on a regular or predictable
Medical expenses
In India, spending on ceremonies and medical expenses account for almost
40% of unusual expenditure.
The proportion of spending on these two activities is
even more significant (over 55%) among bottom pyramid households.
Given this spending pattern, it would be valid for
financial service providers to look into how they can design products that
allow households to meet such expenditure with ease. The health issue lends itself
to low-cost insurance solutions and there has been some progress on widening
access to health insurance.
Complementary inputs such as supply of low-cost
healthcare facilities and treatment that can be covered by a mass insurance
scheme would go a long way in amplifying benefits of financial inclusion.
Expenditure related to ceremonies - though more
complicated than health insurance - also lends itself to innovative financial
product design.
Personal expenses..!
For example, organised sector employees who benefit from
provident fund (PF) schemes often enjoy the privilege of withdrawing a substantial
portion of the accumulated sum for personal expenses, like daughter’s
marriage. This is, in essence, a systematic investment plan.
Products of this nature are available in the market and
the question is one of threshold contributions and whether these can be lowered
to provide access to large numbers of households, even while giving them a
reasonable rate of return, so there is sufficient accumulation.
This would serve a two-fold purpose: meeting the demand
of a large segment of the population and weaning them away from informal
sources of borrowing.
This brings us to the third critical component. Most
people in India save for emergencies.
According to our study, of the 27 crore (270 million) households with at least one earner, about 23.9 Crore (239 million - 89%) reported saving
some portion of their income during 2013-14.
The propensity to save is a
function of ability to save, and it increases with earning capacity.
In response to the question posed to chief wage
earners—Did you or any member of your household saved money for the future in
the last fiscal, 2013-14?—a majority of rich CWEs (top 20% households)
confirmed they had saved and invested.
The rate declines for the lower quintiles and is least
for those at the bottom of the pyramid. The top four reasons attributed for
saving are having cash available for meeting contingencies, old-age security,
medical emergencies, and for children’s education.
The trend is fairly similar across all income quintiles,
but what is noteworthy is that earners from households with lower levels of
income are perhaps less inclined to set aside hard-earned cash for old-age
security (their need for liquidity is more immediate) as against those at
higher levels of income who can afford to apportion a part of their earnings to
long periods of lock-in.
The survey revealed that most households prefer to have
cash liquidity for emergencies. But with rising incomes, savings accounts &
terms deposits are preferred.
Together (cash at home and banking instruments), they
constitute the most preferred savings/investment mode for a majority of
households that saved in 2013-14.
While one may argue that high liquidity is a wise
decision when it comes to planning for unknown financial shocks, but keeping
money in a savings account is neither going to create sufficient wealth to meet
old-age requirements nor will it help meet rising tuition fees for children’s
Holding them in immovable assets or gold or financial
securities makes more financial sense than having liquid cash or savings
There is a need for launching awareness about financial
instruments on a massive scale. Banking services too need to change their
outlook towards lending.
The survey results indicate that while 2.9 crore (29 million) households have some outstanding debt with a bank, as many as 5 crore (50 million) households borrowed from informal sources to meet their financial requirements.
For financial inclusion strategies to succeed, opening up
of savings accounts can only be the first milestone in a long journey ahead.
It’s for banking service providers to recognise the
opportunities in transforming today’s neo-financial-literates into potential
lucrative financial clients of tomorrow.
About the author..
The author is director & CEO, People Research on
India’s Consumer Economy—ICE 360°