Share Market & Real Estate :
Both assets offer long-term appreciation of value..
Investing Mantra's - Real Estate, Investing Mantra's - Stock
The outcome of share market volatility (up and down) is more evident if one follows the changes in real estate markets.
Realty investment provides more stability and can also deliver a continuous income stream, and this is why it attracts more investors.
The slow but steady correlation between the share markets and realty markets provides the important advantage of diversification in an investor’s portfolio.
Also, investors can be more confident of constant returns, since the real estate market is relatively immune from both short & long-term price swings.
Shares, on the other hand, are subject to constantly changing prices, and investors can be placed in really tough situations when choosing whether to hold or / sell their stocks.
To conclude, both assets Share Market & Real Estate offer long-term appreciation of value.
However, if one is looking to create a strong portfolio and has the right kind of funds to invest, real estate will always be a safer and less stressful platform.
After all, the demand for homes will never cease as long as we continue populating the planet – what can be a better source of assurance for an investor?