Radhastami, the appearance day of Srimati Radharani, is to be celebrated at ISKCON temple, Injambakkam on tomorrow, Sunday 20th and Monday, 21st September, 2015. One of the most remarkable feature of Monday the 21st September is that only on this day, Srimati Radharani's feet which would remain covered on rest of the days in the year, will be shown for Darshan.
Radhashtami is as important as Janmashtami. Radharani is none other than the personification of love, Prema and she is the pleasure potency. Lord Krishna is reservoir of all pleasure and that pleasure is coming from srimati radharani. In Mathura district at Rawal., the Birth place of Radharani and as well as Barsana , the appearance of Radharani is being celebrated same level of Janmashtami. So here is an opportunity for everyone to partake and obtain the blessings of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. All are welcome to get the belessings of Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani.
The Events are as follows:
Sunday, 20 th September 2015
8 am Srimad Bhagavatam class by HH Bhanu Swami
9 am - 11 am kirtan
11 am ; Adhivas ceremony
12.00 noon Class on SMT Radharani by H H Bhanu Swami
12.45 Maha Arthi
01.30 Prasadam
Monday, 21st September 2015
(lotus feet dharshan)
10.30 Bhajans
11.30 Abhishek
12.00 class on smt RAdharani by HH Bhhanu Swami
12.30 Maha Arthy
01.00 Prasadam