Finance Minister agreed to
provide competitiveness to Indian exports in view of falling trends in
exports: S C Ralhan, President, FIEO
In the wake of continuous fall in exports growth for the last six months, a
delegation of exporters led by President, FIEO met the Hon’ble Union
Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitely to appraise him of the tough global
scenario and domestic constraints responsible for decline in exports. Mr
Ralhan informed the Finance Minister that even excluding petroleum exports,
the overall exports exhibited a decline of 8.9% in the first two months of
the current fiscal while non-oil imports showed a growth of 4.3%. The order
booking position of the Indian companies is not encouraging which reflect
the challenges to be faced by the export sector in the following months and
its impact on the employment in the sector.
The important issues discussed by President, FIEO included the high cost of
credit which needs to be addressed by immediately by introducing Interest
Subvention Scheme from 1st April, 2015 and availability of
Pre Shipment Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC) for MSME. For augmenting
liquidity of the export sector, FIEO suggested for refund of Duty Drawback,
CENVAT refund and Service Tax Refund within 10 days time. The Hon’ble
Finance Minister was supportive of both the issues and ensured timely
action in the matter.
Mr Ralhan urged that the MSME sector should be encouraged to adopt new
technology by extension of Technology Up-gradation Fund. The threshold
limit of Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) may be increased from
Rs.1 Crore to Rs.5 Crore consequent on proposed increase in threshold limit
for small & medium companies. FIEO Chief also argued for Market
Development support either through a planned Scheme with sizable corpus or
through tax deduction under Income Tax for overseas expenditure relating to
FIEO delegation also suggested time bound implementation of EDI amongst all
community partners by 31st of March, 2016 and reduction of
transaction cost by permitting single MEIS application for all EDI ports,
acceptance of tracking report at least in respect of Status Holders,
dispensing with verification of scrips etc.
Finance Minister assured to look into the matter with a view to impart
competitiveness to exports. Finance Minister also said that Indian exports
have declined consequent to decline in imports of our major trading
For Agriculture exports, Finance Minister agreed to look into the issue of
providing support in respect of commodities in which MSP is much above the
international prices so as to provide an avenue for their exports.