(LOGO) (Name of the Insurance Company)
Consent-cum-Declaration Form (To be filled in by members joining the scheme
during the permitted “Enrolment Period”) Agency / BC Code
Savings Bank Account No.
Date of Entry into the
Scheme : 1 st June / July / August / September, 2015
1. Name in Full
2. Address
3. Date of Birth ( As per KYC
document) (dd/mm/yyyy)
4. Email ID _____________________________________________
5. Mobile /Contact Number________________________
6. Aadhar No, if available______________________________.
7. Whether suffering from any
disability________________________ If yes, details
8. Name & Address of the
Nominee, if any, and Relationship with him /
9. Name &
Address of Guardian, if nominee is minor __________________________________________
I hereby give my consent to become a member of ‘ Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
Yojana’ which will be administered by the above Bank as Master Policyholder. I
hereby authorize you to debit today my Saving Bank Account with your Branch
with Rs.12/- (Rupees Twelve only) plus Service Tax, if applicable, and on or
before 31st May every subsequent year until further instructions to the
contrary (strike out whichever is not applicable) a sum of Rupees Twelve or a
revised amount that may be decided with immediate intimation to me. I hereby
nominate my nominee as indicated above for the benefits under the scheme, in
the event of my death.
In the event of my death before the nominee reaching the
age of 18 years, I hereby appoint the legal guardian of the nominee as
indicated above for the purpose of receiving the benfits under the scheme.
declare that I am not insured under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana under
any other Savings Bank Account. In case the same is found to exist, premium
shall stand forefieted and no claims would be paid. I agree that the cover
shall commence from the 1st of the month subsequent to the date of enrolment in
the scheme. I agree to pay full annual premium even if I join the Scheme after
the commencement of the Master Policy. I agree that my membership in the Scheme
will remain in force as long as all premiums due are paid and until I have
attained age 70 years as on Annual Renewal Date.
I agree to abide by the terms
and conditions of the above Scheme. I agree to your conveying my personal
details, as required, regarding my admission into the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha
Bima Yojana to ______________________________________(Name of the Insurance
Company, to be preprinted).
I hereby declare that the above statements are true
in all respects and that I agree and declare that the above information shall
form the basis of admission to the above Scheme and that if any information be
found untrue, my membership to the Scheme shall be treated as cancelled.
Date:_______________ ____________________________
Signature of the Account
Holder Signature verified (Bank Branch Official)
We hereby acknowledge receipt of
“Consent-cum-Declaration Form” from Shri / Smt. _______________________________holding
Saving Bank Account No.______________________________, Aadhar No. (if
available) ___________________________, consenting and authorizing auto-debit
from the specified Savings Bank Account to join the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha
Bima Yojana with _______________________________________________(Name of the
Insurance Company) under Master Policy No. ___________________________
certifying coverage as per the Scheme, subject to correctness of information
provided regarding eligibility and receipt of consideration amount. Seal &
Signature of Authorised Bank Official