The face value of the new issue will be Rs 10 per unit. The new issue will be open for subscription from 26 March to 24 April 2015.
The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long term capital appreciation from a portfolio of Eligible Securities as specified in Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme.
The plan shall offer two plans i.e. Plan A and Plan B. Each plan offer growth and dividend payout options.
The plan would invest 95% to 100% of assets in equity securities specified as eligible securities for RGESS debt instruments & government securities with medium to high risk profile and invest upto 5% of assets in money market instruments and liquid schemes with low to medium risk profile.
The minimum application amount is Rs. 5,000
Entry & exit load charge will be not applicable for the plan.
Benchmark Index for the plan is S&P BSE 100 Index.
Mr. Srinivas Rao Ravuri is the fund manager of the scheme.