The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC),
owner and publisher of the GMAT exam, today announced the launch of the new GMAT
Enhanced Score Report, providing test takers of the GMAT exam with access to an in-depth
analysis their overall performance on the GMATincluding their performance on the various
sections and subsections within the exam.
The report provides metrics that describe everything from the test taker’s average time to
answer each question type, to overall time management relative to other test takers, and
providesinsight and analysis about how students might use the report to talk about or
improve their score.
This new GMAT Enhanced Score Report, which is delivered to a test
taker following their sitting of the exam, joins the GMATPrep Enhanced Score Report
introduced in 2014 with which students can guide their study and practice when using
GMAC’s official GMATPrep.
The GMAT Enhanced Score Report is one part of a series of new products GMAC has
developed to help students perform their best, understand how to interpret and manage
their score, present it in the best way to schools ortake steps to improve their score.
Both Enhanced Score Reports and the Score Preview feature provide test takers with
greater controlover how and when they report their scores to the schools to which they are
applying. In 2014, GMAC introducedthe Score Preview feature for the GMAT exam that
allows test takers to cancel a GMAT score if it isn’t up to their standards or expectations,
before sending it to a school.
“The value of the GMAT Enhanced Score Report is that,used aloneor together with the
GMAT’s other prep and score reporting features,it can help students strengthen their
performance, improve their scores and be better prepared for the process of applying to
business school,” said Ashok Sarathy, Vice President of Product Management at
GMAC. “With the control that comes from these features, students can be confident that
they areputting their best foot–and their best GMAT score– forward.” Munish Sapra, Senior Director – Admissions & Financial Aid, Indian School of Business, said, “The GMAT Enhanced Score Report is a powerful feature as it will help students in understanding how they have performed in various sections of the GMAT exam, thereby giving them a clear understanding on how to improve their GMAT performance and score. This will put them in a stronger position to apply to programs of their choice at quality business schools.”
The GMAT Enhanced Score Report can be purchased following the taking of the GMAT exam
for $24.99 (USD) through the store. The GMATPrep Enhanced Score Report is a
part of the Exam Pack 1 package of GMATPrep and comes with two additional practice
exams and nearly 100 additional practice questionsandis also available at the
store. The GMAT Score Preview feature is part of the GMAT exam test-day experience, with
students making anaccept-or-cancel score decision at the test center.
About GMAC:
The Graduate Management Admission Council ( is a nonprofit
education organization of leading graduate business schools and owner of the Graduate
Management Admission Test (GMAT exam), now celebrating its 60th year and used by more
than 6,000 graduate business and management programs worldwide. GMAC is based in
Reston, Virginia, and has regional offices in London, New Delhi and Hong Kong. The GMAT
exam -- the only standardized test designed expressly for graduate business and
management programs worldwide -- is continuously available at approximately 600 test
centers in 113 countries. More information about the GMAT exam is available at
For more information about GMAC and additional resources for media, please visit
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Customer Service: +1-866-505-6559 (Toll-free in the US & Canada only)
Customer Service: +1-703-668-9605
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Office: +44 (0) 20 3008 7933
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*Graduate Management Global Connection™ (UK) Ltd.
For further information, please contact:PO Box 70184
London, WC1A 9HZ
United Kingdom
Office: +44 (0) 20 3008 7933
Fax: +44 (0) 20 3008 7929
*Graduate Management Global Connection™ (UK) Ltd.
Ragini Sabharwal / Eisha Sharma
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