A Seminar on Consumer Product Safety to be conducted at Hotel Le-Meridian, Chennai, on 5th & 6th December 2014, by CONCERT TRUST a sister organization of CAI
With Prime Minister Sri. Modi's call for "Make in India" gaining strength, the need for a better enforcement of Standards of products manufactured in India is still becoming more and more relevant. India is a party to the International covenant on civil and political rights of the General Assembly and the righto life and safety of every citizen has become very much essential.
With this in view, the Consumers Associations of India and Concert Trust, way back in 2005 organized a seminar on Consumer Product Safety and presented a Model Consumer Product Safety Authority Act.
This draft was prepared in consultation with experts like Mr. S. Ramakrishanan (l.A.S, Retd), Secretary of Tamil Nadu Government, Shri K. Rajaraman, l.A.S. This draft Act has not yet seen the light of the day. Nearly 10 years after this, the Concert Trust has now organized this seminar to highlight the importance of Consumer Product Safety. This seminar on 5th and 6tn of December, sponsored by the U.S consulate of Chennai, will feature discussions, and presentations etc. by a galaxy of VIP speakers which
1. Mr. U. S. Paliwal, Executive Director, RBI
2. Dr. V.Prakash, Distinguished Scientist CSIR
3. Dr.Jayashree Gupta, President of Consumers India
4. Mr.Thuppil Venkatesh, Principal Advisor, Quality Circle India
5. Mr.N.Ravi, Editor-in-Chief, The HINDU
The Seminar will be inaugurated by the Consul General of U.S at Chennai, and will be addressed by
Senior l.A.S, Officers like Mr.Kesav Desiraju l.A. S. (Secretary, Ministry of Consumer Affairs), Mr. K.
ChandraMouli,. A. S. Retd.(Chairman FSSAI), Mr. G. Gurucharan l. A. S. (Additional Secretary, Min of
Consumer affairs), Smt. M. P. Nirmala l. A.S. (Secretary, Dept. of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer
Protection Govt. of Tamil Nadu ) Mr.S.Gopalakrishnan l. A.S. (Commissioner of Civil Supplies and
Consumer Protection Department, Govt. of Tamilnadu )
Mr.Chris Evans, Director, "Which", U.K, Mr.Larry Hershman, of NHTSA, U.S.A, and Dato Indirani Thuraisingham, Regional Director of Consumers International, Asia pacific region , are the other guest speakers who will participate in the seminar.
The seminar will be held for 2 days on 5th December and 6th December 2014 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The venue of the meeting is at Hotel Le Meridian, Chennai 600 032.
"Safety Concerns" in service Industry, overview of Consumer Product Safety System in U.S.A, Recalls in Automobile Industry, are some of the topics that will be discussed and there will be also be Panel discussions by eminent consumer activists, representatives from the industry etc.
The outcome of the deliberations will have far reaching effects so that the "Consumer Product Safety ,authority" becomes a reality in India and our products get world recognition.
For further details you can contact Mr.V.Srinivasan at 044 - 2451 31 91, 9444830199
For More Details
Nirmala Desikan
Chairman & Managing Trustee
Consumers Association of India & The CONCERT TrustA-5, 2nd Floor
Thiruvalluvar Nagar
Chennai 600 041