Why Is A Stock Split Done?

Stock split makes shares of a firm cheaper. This will attract more investors to trade in the stock. Some term it as a play on the psyche of the investor.

Mr. Arun Kejriwal, Founder, Kejriwal Research & Investment Services, says, "Psychologically, a stock looks cheaper & this attracts investors and trading in the scrip. When a share's price runs up, smaller investors find it easy to enter or / buy the stock and trading in the stock also increases, which may have decreased due to high prices.

" And, this is true not only for small investors but even the big ones are more inclined to buy a stock cheaper.

The split does not affect the value of investors' holdings. Similarly, the firms's fundamentals do not change, with its earnings & equity capital base remaining the same. It is simply splitting higher denomination in to lower denomination. Since the stock split does not change anything for a company from a fundamental perspective, experts caution investors against buying such shares merely because they are cheap.

They say investors should stay clear of firms, which use stock splits only to stay afloat.

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