by Mr. Rakesh Nangia, Nangia &
Everyone strives to make
profits from whatever venture he/she undertakes, but in the quest for gains,
the possibility of losses can’t be ruled out. The Income Tax Act, 1961,
provides for a mechanism to use your losses to reduce the tax payable on your
Income is categorised under five heads - salary, income from house
property, business income, capital gain and income from other sources. The I -T
Act allows you to set off losses under one head against gains in another,
subject to conditions.
Capital Gains & Losses..
If a capital asset is sold after 3 years of purchase, the resultant
gain/loss is long term. If sold before three years, it’s a short-term capital
gain / loss. Short-term capital loss can be set off against any capital gain -
long or / short term.
However, long-term capital loss can be set off only against a
long-term capital gain.
Any capital loss after the set-off can be carried forward up to eight
financial years. A short-term loss that is carried forward can be set off
against any capital gain. But a long-term capital loss that is carried forward
can be set off against only long-term capital gains.
Loss incurred on selling equity..
Equity and equity-based mutual funds are considered long-term assets
when held for at least a year. Any loss you make on the sale of equity stocks
bought less than 12 months ago are short-term capital losses and can be
adjusted against short-term capital gains as well as long-term gains.
Also, the unadjusted losses can be carried forward for up to eight
FYs. The loss incurred on selling equity stocks bought more than 12 months ago
are long-term capital losses.
Long-term capital loss on listed equities where STT is paid cannot be
adjusted because the income is exempt. However, if you sell the shares offline
without paying STT, the loss can be adjusted against a long-term capital gain.
Business income..
Losses from business / profession can be set off against all income
heads other than salary, whereas losses from a speculative activity or owning /
maintaining race horses can be set off only against profits under the
respective heads.
The loss can be carried forward up to eight FYs and set off only
against the income from business/profession.
House property..
Houses bought or constructed on borrowed money are eligible for
deduction of loan interest from the net annual value while calculating the income
from house property.
The annual value of a self-occupied house is treated as nil. So, the
entire interest paid for it becomes a loss from house property, subject to the
Rs. 1.5 lakh limit.
House property losses can be set off against income from any other
head, including salary, in the same financial year. The remaining losses can be
carried forward up to eight FYs.
In subsequent FYs, such a loss can be set off only against income
from house property.
About the author.
The writer Mr.Rakesh Nangia is Managing Partner at Nangia & Co.
Inputs from Neha Malhotra.
Mr. Rakesh Nangia
(Leading Financial Consulant & India Entry Strategist)
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