Question: What are the Settlement Producer of Fixed Deposit account holder of Deceased..?
Settlement of accounts of Fixed deposit
deceased constituents is as under:
(1) If the account is a joint account, the
surviving depositor may approach the Bank for
settlement or for further operation.
(2) In
case, the deceased person has left any will, the claimants may approach
the Bank, where the account is maintained , for
settlement of balances in the accounts of
the deceased based on the will.
(3) In
case no will is left or / no nomination has been registered, then
claimants have to approach the Bank where the deposits are maintained
as under:
Copy of FD Deposit Holder death certificate
Latest legal heirship certificate for the deceased.
(C) A
letter advising the death of the deposit account holder and requesting for
settlement of the deposits.
will settle the balances based on affidavit cum indemnity basis
Whereby one
or two independent sureties who are NOT related to the deceased or / to
the claimants will be obtained and on obtaining
indemnity from all the claimants, the balances will be settled to the claimants.