Attuned to the overall buoyant real estate market sentiments, Puravankara Projects Ltd, a leading real estate developer in India has introduced a special offer last week to its customers, which is seeing unprecedented demand from buyers for whom this will probably be their last time to pick dream houses along with attractive offers.
Save upto 7.02%..
Puravankara's latest offer will help reduce the overall cost of house ownership by reducing the buyer's housing loan interest burden to 6.99%, as compared to current prevailing interest rates of 10.15 % to 11.50 %.
The offer can potentially help save upto 7.02% of the housing loan amount that they borrow in addition to an interest rate rebate which comes in form of reimbursements from Puravankara. Additionally, customers get to avail attractive add-on benefits like Gift Voucher for Home Interiors worth many lakhs. Taking customer's desire for flexibility into account; Puravankara has also made it possible for the scheme benefits to be availed as an upfront cash rebate.
Random Allocation Process....
The offer is limited to certain number of buyers due to limited inventory. Puravankara has adopted an innovative "Random Allocation Process" based on a dynamic release of inventory (of flats) based on the demand generated for the offer. The allotment process may be monitored by an international audit firm and is being marketed exclusively through the online media targeting the savvy buyers from across the. The offer closes early June, 2014.
Mr. Jackbastian Nazareth, Group CEO, Puravankara said, "The true cost of a house is not just the price one pays to the developer, but it's the price paid to the developer plus the interest cost on their housing loan. We believe: when it comes to owning a house, nothing should come in the way. This offer from Puravankara will not only help the buyers (who were earlier waiting for rates to come down) in buying their dream houses but also send out a positive signal about the investment climate."