27coupons.com is a discount coupons and deals distribution platform.
It displays discount coupons on offer to retail buyers from almost all Indian
Ecommerce websites.
It is easy 'search' lets users find coupons quickly & make a huge
savings in almost all the purchases they make online.
Discount coupons of about 350 stores are currently provided on
27coupons.com and the number is increasing everyday.
Discount coupons are categorized into Aparrel, Electronics,
Kid Stores, Computers, Travel, Restaurants, Personal & Health Care,
Fashion & Luxury, Home Appliances, Jewelery, etc.
Please join on Facebook and Twitter.
Stay connected and discover the best discount coupons. The firm have
developed a Facebook application to share best deals of the week to fans on
Twitter: @27coupons
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/27coupons
27coupons.com is a part of Diffion Consulting, Bhubaneswar, India.
For details about Diffion Consulting LLP, please visit www.diffion.com
Why 27coupons.com?
With the increase in number of ecommerce portals in India, the firm
felt the need of a portal which displays discount coupons in a simple manner,
free of cost, bring in good savings for customers & good sales for
eCommerce website.
And with that aim, 27coupons.com came into being on July 1, 2011. Now
the firm's team is coming with new features in the website which will ensure
faster decision making of online purchases and higher savings of users.
For more detaisl