By Mr.
Yateesh Srivastava, AEGON Religare Life Insurance
As an employee of a
company that launched India’s first truly online insurance policy I often face
questions from family, friends and customers regarding the pricing of online
term plans.
There seems to be
some degree of suspicion that the low pricing of online term plans means that
there is a catch somewhere or the veritable fly in the ointment. The biggest
fear among people is that at crunch time
the instance of a claim - the insurer will find some way to not honour
the claim.
There can be no
greater fallacy than that. Every insurer understands that the fundamental
responsibility of the business is to pay out every single genuine claim.
No firm can survive
in the market for too long if the perception is that it does not pay out
claims and life insurance, please
remember, is a long-term business and like every other long-term business, it
is built on reputation and trust.
So if anyone tells you
that the lower price of online term plans is on the basis of claims
repudiation, please discount that completely. On the contrary, let me say quite
definitively that in my experience the level of disclosures on the proposal
form in the online space is very high and complete, leaving no room for claim
So what really makes
an online term plan so much cheaper than its offline counterpart?
Is there a catch, if
Let me put your mind
as a customer to absolute rest. There is no catch in online term plans. The
pricing is determined by three facts:
the cost of
distribution is much lower on account of there being no commissions payable.
This has an impact on the pricing.
given that a major part of the process is
online and paperless, there is a saving in the cost of policy processing, which
is also passed on to the consumer.
the profile of the
online customer also leads to better mortality and morbidity assumptions,
leading to a further rationalisation of the pricing.
As a result of these
factors, the prices of online term plans are significantly lower than that of
offline plans. There is no other catch or caveat that impacts the pricing.
Online term plans are
doing the yeoman service of building the protection category by providing
adequate life cover at very affordable prices.
This is providing
financial security to thousands of Indians. As a customer, there is no downside
in buying an online term plan.
Just choose the
adequate amount of insurance, answer a few simple questions and make the
payment to start your journey on the road to protection.
As long as you make
all the disclosures fully, you can relax. Your family is now secure!
About the author..
Mr. Yateesh
Srivastava is the chief operating officer of AEGON Religare Life Insurance