by Suvishesh
JLL India
JLL India
Asian economies
compete for greater global influence in terms of business, politics and
sociocultural activity. Within economies, cities are the real growth engines.
According to The
Economic Intelligence Unit’s Hot Spots 2025 (2013) and AT Kearney’s 2014 Global
Cities Index and Emerging Cities Outlook (2014), leading Indian cities have
done well in terms of growing business activity and enhancing human capital.
This is largely a consequence of efforts by Indian authorities toward embracing
free trade and installing an effective tertiary education system.
A 25% annualised
growth in stock of office space in the top seven cities during the past ten
years is testimony to rising business activity.
The greatest challenge facing Indian cities is
to increase their competitiveness in Asia. The above-mentioned reports
highlight some focus areas. With the newly elected BJP government in India, it
is time we look at these factors and their property market implications.
Physical Capital..
Infrastructure is
deficient in India, and analysts suggest this negatively affects economic
activity (GDP) by 2 percentage points annually. Planned infrastructure
development could help Indian cities quickly attract international investors,
and entice foreign workers.
For instance, during
2006-08, quarterly growth in demand for office space in Gurgaon and Noida (part
of NCR-Delhi) was more than double its long-term average figure, as metro rail
connectivity was being established with Delhi.
Political Activity..
Political engagement
with foreign nations facilitates the growth of trade and commerce, directly
favouring commercial real estate. India’s strong relationship with Japan
resulted in cumulative developmental loans from the latter, growing at a CAGR
of 16% per annum in FY 2001-FY 2013.
The 12th five-year
plan indicates that India needs overall investments worth USD 1 trillion for
infrastructure development, and such foreign participation is important to
accomplish this goal.
Financial Maturity..!
While financial
governance, bank penetration and equity participation is satisfactory, Indian
cities can significantly improve financial product awareness (insurance, mutual
funds, etc.) and introduce new investment tools (inflation-hedging bonds,
REITs, etc.). This would boost growth in Banking, Financial Services and
Insurance (BFSI) sector, the third-largest occupier of commercial space in
With a low mortgage -
to - GDP ratio in India (India <10%; Hong Kong and Singapore >40%),
increased financial maturity could also strengthen the housing market.
Character: In the past few years, Indian cities have faced global criticism for
being less competitive in terms of tax structure, corporate governance &
internal security.
character directly influences business confidence, critical for real estate
sector development. Additionally, instruments such as REITs thrive on robust
tax and legal structures.
Profit seeking and
environmental concerns have conflicting motives, and a balance between the two
is needed for long-term sustainability of competitiveness.
Recently, Indian
authorities have been struggling to maintain balance, particularly affecting
civil aviation, mining, manufacturing and real estate sectors. Diligent action
on these policies could unlock large-scale real estate developments around
upcoming projects without compromising the environment.
Narendra Modi, who
heads the newly elected government in India, demonstrated an ability as Chief
Minister of Gujarat state to deliver action with speed (less bureaucratic
hurdles), clarity (unambiguous policies) and innovation (practical solutions to
complex problems). This gives us hope that his government will pull up the
competitiveness ranking of Indian cities, eventually benefiting real estate.
About the author
Mr. Suvishesh Valsan is Senior Manager - Research at JLL India
For media contact
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