Circular no.: MCX/COMP/162/2014 April 30, 2014
Common / Uniform Client Registration form / process
In terms of the provisions of the Rules, Bye Laws, Business Rules of the Exchange and in
pursuance to the directions issued by the Forward Markets Commission (FMC) vide its
letter no. DIV.III/2/89/VOL IV dated April 23, 2014 (the soft copy available on FMC website under the subhead “Circulars” within the head ‘Regulatory Framework’)
and further in continuation to the Exchange Circular No. MCX/COMP/286/2013 dated
August 28, 2013, the Members of the Exchange are notified as under:
As directed by FMC, it has been decided to accept e-KYC service launched by UIDAI
also, as a valid process for KYC verification. The information containing relevant client
details and photograph, made available from UIDAI as a result of e-KYC process (“which
is in an electronic form and accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference”),
will be treated as sufficient proof of identity and Address of the client. However the client
will need to authorize the Member to access his data through UIDAI system.
This circular will come into force with immediate effect. Members are requested to take a
note of the above.
Sr. Vice President
Membership & Inspection
Kindly contact Compliance Team on 022 - 66494090 or send an email at for further clarification.