One Day Practical Training In Compass School Of Feng Shui With Certification In Basic Feng Shui
Sunday 25 May, 2014
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Hotel Vestin Park
39, Montieth Road,
Chennai – 600 008
For More details
98419 71871 , 97910 14647
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese system of aesthetics, which has been used since ages, for improving lifestyle and health.
It is often compared with Vastu Shastra, the Indian concept of system of aesthetics. Many people have been improving life at house, office, and other places through Feng Shui.
People interested in pursuing a career in Feng Shui can opt for working as Feng Shui consultants and make better remuneration through assist people in improving their homes and offices set up by making use of various techniques.