8 Types
Of Friends You Need To Have in Your Life..
Friendship Day 2014 3 August
A Loyal Best Friend..
This is
the kind of friend who lets you be a hot mess & knows all of your deepest
& darkest secrets.But still loves you all the same.
Fearless Adventurer Friend...
We all
need an adventurous friend who will pull us out of our shells & introduce
us to new ideas, cultures, philosophies, and activities.
Brutally Honest Confidant Friend...
are supposed to be honest with each other. If you find someone who is brutally
honest with you (in a constructive way), then hold on to this person!
People like
that are hard to come by these days.
A Friend
From a Different Culture.
everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a much
better place.
Being in a cross-cultural friendship allows
you to explore customs, values, and traditions outside of your own culture.
A Polar
of constantly surrounding yourself with like-minded people, try to break out of
your comfort zone and befriend people who hold opposing views.
They will
help open your eyes to different world views and you will learn to accept
people who don’t see the world exactly the way you see it.
Friendly Neighbor...
days, a lot of people do not know their own neighbors. It is a shame, because
some neighbors can be the nicest and most helpful people ever.
A Work Pal..
Your work
pal does not have to be your best friend outside of work. They just need to be
someone you click with on some level, and if you two hit it off exceptionally
well, you can always start hanging out with them outside of the office.
A Wise
We all
need a friend who inspires us to be better people without making us feel
being around such a person will challenge us to better ourselves every day.