‘The Journey Home’ autobiography of an American Swami - by Radhanath Swami Maharaj – Fascinating Narration of Spiritual Quest
(Punitha Payanam - Tamil version)
American, who embarked on his spiritual quest for sacred knowledge at the age
of 19 by leaving home and after wandering a host of countries, finally
transformed himself from a young seeker to renowned spiritual guide on the
Indian soil.
The real-life story recounted in ‘The Journey Home’ is full of
interesting narration such as near-death encounters, apprenticeships with
advanced yogis, and years of travel along the pilgrim's path in India and above
all the inner sanctum of India's mystic culture.
book, written by His Holiness Radhanath Swami, was unveiled at a function held
on 30th Jan 2014 in presence of esteem guests
which included Mr. K. Balachander, Film
Director , Mr. Hrishikesh Mafatlal – Chairman – Mafatlal Industries, Dr. S. S.
Badrinath, Founder & Chairman Emeritus Sankara Nethralaya, Shri.
Kalayanasundaram, Social reformer & Man Of The Millennium, Dr. M. B.
Nirmal, Founder of ExNoRa ,
Krishnamacari Srikkanth, Former-Indian Cricket Captain , Shri. Suki Sivam, SS
Foundation, HH Bhanu Swami, Head ISKCON Chennai , Murali Bhat, Senior Priest of
Sri Rangam Temple.
American Richard is now known as His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj and his
book is translated into Tamil by His Grace T.K.Sampath as “Punitha Payanam”. The book very nicely depicts the spiritual quest
of a serious practitioner. One can find intrigue, hatred, love, temptations and
all kind of emotions and various ways to overcome such emotions in this book.
While the book is rightly tagged as ‘Journey Home - Autobiography
of An American Swami’, its essence is also capable of showing right direction
to the young generation facing many problems. Radhanath Swami’s journey;
crossing rives, mountains, forests, countries and continents; bravely to
achieve his goal of life, is simply amazing.
The Journey Home book is
available in Six Indian Languages –
Hindi, Marathi, Kanada, Gujarathi, Telegu, Tamil & Two Foreign languages –
Chinese, Russian apart from the International language – English.
While meditating on a mountain in the Island of Crete, Radhanath
Swami heard an inner voice saying him to “Go to India”. As directed, he moved
ahead travelling through cholera spread Turkey, desert of Iran, Afghanistan
& Pakistan; depending completely on the mercy of the almighty God as he had
no money at that point of time and finally reached India.
His tireless efforts to understand the Indian philosophical system
is highly commendable. He met illustrious spiritual personalities like Tatvala
baba, Anands Mayi Mata and Mother Theresa, held discussions with Jiddu Krishna
Murthy and Dalai Lama. He struggled to meet minimum requirements like food,
clothing and shelter. Apart from such interesting accounts, the book also
highlights the three diversified religious paths prevailing in India.
This book is now available in Chennai in all leading book stalls.
For more details on the books of Radhanath Swami Maharaj please visit www.tulsibooks.com.
For further details
please contact Shubha Vilas Das at shubhavilas@gmail.com or info@prism-india.com.