Mutual Fund (MF) investors have misconceptions about the NAV of mutual funds,
about how NAV is linked to a fund’s performance and their returns.
Asset Value (NAV) in simple terms is the current worth of each unit of the MF.
which is calculated as assets minus liabilities of a scheme, is declared by
fund houses daily. Below attempt to bust one popular NAV related myths.
Are Cheaper Since NAV is Rs. 10
new fund offers (NFOs) have NAV of Rs.10.
myth - believed to be mainly perpetrated by distributors in the past when NFO
launches were rampant - is that since NAV is lower you had better buy during
the NFO period than later when it shoots to Rs. 30 or Rs. 40.
that NFOs are cheaper, is not true
in shares or bonds there is nothing like cheap NAV or / expensive NAV in mutual
the relationship between NAV & the amount you invest would help.
you have Rs. 10,000 to invest and the fund you have chosen has NAV of Rs.10 you
get 1,000 units of the fund. If the fund performs well from there and the NAV
grows say by 6 times to reach Rs. 60, in 10 years then your investment value
rises to Rs. 60,000.
would be exactly the same as investing in the fund when its NAV stood at Rs.30
and if it also grew by 6 times and reach to Rs.180 in 10 years.
fact is any time is good to invest in a good fund when the investment is for a
long term (Not less than 5 years)
subject to your age, risk appetite, asset allocation etc...
With an existing fund you have past
performance to look up against which is missing in a new fund, where you might
go based on trust you have on the fund house launching it.
what counts, again, is whether the fund consistently performs well over the
course of time.
Quantum AMC