The Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India
better known as CREDAI is the apex body for private real estate developers in
CREDAI’s CGRF (Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum) was established by
CREDAI with the objective to protect consumer in case of genuine grievance
against developers and to promote litigation -free healthy business environment
in real estate sector by promoting self regulation to create healthy
relationship between developers and their consumers. CGRF also aims to
eradicate unscrupulous practices from real estate business and improve its
veracity, stature and public image.
CGRF has been formed in all
states and city chapters and have resolved several grievances till date.
CREDAI through CGRF has resolved 70% of
the cases raised by the consumers. Also there is a noticeable drop in the
number of grievances all across India.
CREDAI – Key issues:
· Encourage affordable housing -
Increase investment in housing construction, maybe through changed ECB and FDI
· Facilitate land availability.
· Stimulate housing demand by
permitting foreign ownership, giving incentives to buy homes.
· Representation on the changes in the
RERA Bill, to make it balanced, unbiased and comprehensive to promote real
estate sector.
· Single window of approval to the projects
The 2013 Conclave..
CREDAI has been organizing
National Convention every year for last 12 years. The 13 conventions and
Conclave in the past have been addressed by the then Minister for Finance,
Urban Development, Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Commerce and Industries,
Vice Chairman Planning Commission, Members of Parliament, Member of Planning
Commission as also Chief Ministers of various states. All the previous NATCON’s
and Conclave have been well attended by 600 to 950 delegates
The 2013
Conclave intends to deliberate and provoke thoughts and ideas on the theme -‘Housing – The Game Changer’
The broad
Agenda will cover the following:
· Inaugural
Session -Address by dignitaries from Government of India and CREDAI
· Keynote
Address – ‘Unshackling Growth’ – Address by eminent corporate personalities and
senior policy makers
· Building the
blocks – The impact of real estate sector in Indian economy
· Vision and
values of progressive India – Policy reforms and Governance
· Marketing India
to global investors – Perspectives by international investors, developers and
thought leaders
· Case study on
impact of real estate on GDP of a major emerging market economy - Young India's
vision for an urbanized India
· Bridging the
great urbanization divides – Concerns of tier II and tier III Indian cities
CREDAI Way Forward
objectives 2015..
· Every
developer to associate with CREDAI
· Work with
government to implement reforms in land, tax, administrative & fiscal areas
to achieve surplus affordable housing and higher GDP
· Internal
skill development- Establishing institute of excellence & research
· Learning and
creating knowledge sharing platforms through Convention
To be an organisation of developers with high degree
of integrity; to harness the credibility to gain respect from every stake
holder; to assist the government to achieve housing surplus status; to create
adequate urban infrastructure; to facilitate skill development, towards
contributing substantially to GDP.
further information contact: Konnections
Sarodhya Yadav: 86860 80577 / Shirly Priyanka: 98850 16595
Mr. Amit Mishra M: 93440 75741 Email: