While men may be precluded from taking a loan from it, they have not been left out when it comes to employment in India’s first ‘Mahila’ (women’s) public sector bank.
Men account for nearly 36% of the candidates found provisionally eligible for appointment as Probationary Officers in the Bharatiya Mahila Bank.
The probationary officer post is an entry-level position in the officer’s grade in public sector banks. Bharatiya Mahila Bank had advertised 115 vacancies for this rank last september (2013) month, and selected 103 candidates, according to the results notification.
The initial monthly salary in the probationary officer grade is nearly Rs 24,450 in a metropolitan centre, with allowances depending on the place of posting.In addition, conveyance, medical aid, leave travel concession and retirement benefits are admissible, according to the rules of the bank.
Headquartered in Delhi, the bank, which will focus on the banking needs of women and promote their economic empowerment, is gearing up to become operational next month.
The Bharatiya Mahila Bank received the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBIs) in-principle approval in June, 2013. The Government has made a provision of Rs.1,000 crore for the bank as initial capital.
BMB will be issuing appointment letters to fill in 50 vacancies immediately. Appointment letters for the remaining vacancies will be issued as and when branches are opened.
To begin with, the Bharatiya Mahila Bank will have a branch each in eight (8) cities: Kolkata, Guwahati, Chennai, Bangalore, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mysore and Indore.
The bank will have 39 branches (including mobile and satellite branches) and 127 ATMs by the end of the first year of its operations and is projected to expand this to 778 branches and 2,088 ATMs by the end of the 7th year.
Going by those projections, the new bank should have about 33,300 customer accounts by the end of the first year and 55,32,912 customer accounts by the end of the seventh year of operations.