Total land Area is
2,550 Square Feet , there are 4 flats ( Ground floor 2 and first floor 2 flats) each flat sizes are
respectively 930 Square Feet,1,064 Square Feet and 1,100 Square feet and 1,100
Square Feet.
In this case how can
I arrive at the UDS (undivided share) value for purchase of 1,064 Square
Feet Apartment?
Total area of all
= 930 + 1,064 + 1,100
+ 1,100 = 4,194
The 1064 square feet
flat is 1,064 /4,194 x 2,550 = 646.92 square feet say 647 square feet
The undivided share -
UDS for 1,064 square feet flat is
647 square feet of
Undivided share of total land extent of 2,550 square feet..