Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill 2011
Social Impact Assessment in consultation
with Panchayati Raj Institutions ..
The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) has
to be carried out in consultation with the representatives of the Panchayati
Raj Institutions ((PRIs).
In fact, the
appropriate Government is required by the law to ensure adequate representation
of these institutions during the discharge of the process.
aa SIA Reports To Be
Reports prepared
under the Social Impact Assessment are to be shared with these individuals in
their local language along with a summary.
aa Representation in
Expert Group..
The Expert Group has
to have two members belonging to the Panchayati Raj Institutions. This is a
powerful body that has the power to reject a project.
aa Hearings in All Gram
In case where an affected area involves more
than one Gram Panchayat or Municipality, public hearings shall be conducted in
every Gram Sabha where more than twenty five per cent of land belonging to that
Gram Sabha is being acquired.
aa Consultation in
compliance with PESA..
Consultation with the Gram Sabha in Scheduled
Areas under the Fifth Schedule referred to in the Constitution shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension
to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996.
Representation of Panchayat Chairpersons on R & R Committee at Project
The Rehabilitation and Resettlement Committee
at Project Level has to have the Chairpersons of the Panchayats located in the
affected area or their nominees as representatives.
Panchayat Ghars have to be provided as per the list of Infrastructural
amenities given in the Third Schedule.
a Baseline..
The Bill only
provides the baseline for compensation & has devised a sliding scale which
allows States to fix the multiplier (which will determine the final award)
depending on distance from urban centres.