Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill 2011.. Homes for All Affected Families..

Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bill 2011

aa  Affected Family to include tenants..

The definition of affected family includes agricultural labourers, tenants including any form of tenancy or holding of usufruct right, share-croppers or artisans who may be working in the affected area for 3 years prior to the acquisition, whose primary source of livelihood stand affected by the acquisition of land

aa Houses for all affected families..

All affected families are entitled to a house provided they have been residing in an area for 5 (Five) years or / more and have been displaced. If they chose not to accept the house they are offered a one-time financial grant in lieu of the same.

aa Choice of annuity or /  employment..

 All affected families are given a choice of annuity or / employment;

1. If employment is not forthcoming they are entitled to a one time grant of Rs. 5 Lakh per family.

2. Alternatively they will provided with an annuity payment of Rs. 2,000 per month per family for twenty (20) years (this will be adjusted for inflation).

aa Subsistence Allowance..

 All affected families which are displaced from the land acquired shall be given a monthly subsistence allowance equivalent to Rs. 3,000 per month for a period of one year from the date of award.

aa Training & Skill Development..
 All affected families are also given training and skill development while being offered employment.

aa Miscellaneous Amounts..

All affected families are given multiple monetary benefits like transport allowance of Rs. 50,000 and resettlement allowance of Rs. 50,000.

aa One-Time Financial Assistance..

Each affected family of an artisan, small trader or / self-employed person shall get one-time financial assistance of such amount as the appropriate Government may, by notification, specify subject to a minimum of twenty-five (25) thousand rupees.

aa  R & R to be completed in all aspects for irrigation projects..

In case of acquisition of land for irrigation or / hydel project the rehabilitation & resettlement shall be completed six (6) months prior to submergence of the lands proposed to be so acquired.

aa Possession upon fulfilment of conditions under Act..

The Collector shall take possession of land only ensuring that full payment of compensation as well as rehabilitation & resettlement entitlements are paid or tendered to the entitled persons within a period of three (3) months for the compensation & a period of six (6) months for the monetary part of rehabilitation & resettlement entitlements commencing from the date of the award.

However, families will not be displaced from this land till their alternative R&R sites are ready for occupation.

aa Time Limit for provision of R & R entitlements.

 The components of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Package in the Second and 3rd Schedules that relate to infrastructural entitlements shall be provided within a period of eighteen months from the date of the award.

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