Woman primarily depends on their husbands for all economical and social status; hence a large portion of woman has the risk of getting isolated when it comes to Healthcare.
Woman being the caretaker of the family spends her all efforts to take care of the family healthcare but she has the tendency to always push her healthcare to the last priority.
In today’s lifestyle 20% of the workforce in India is woman. but, only 10% of our workforce is having some type of health insurance. Sametime only 2 % of the woman in India has Health Insurance.
In Total only 3 % of the people (Men and woman) in India has Health Insurance.
It is essential that women sit up and look after themselves as well.
Woman’s body is more complicated than man and is more prone to health-related risks. During certain period in a woman’s life such as pregnancy, specific plan provide a benefit for both normal and caesarean delivery.
Usually this benefit comes with a waiting period. Few health insurance companies have specific plans which cover critical illnesses and even certain cancers for woman.
General individuals always confuse them self with the company group insurance policy provided by the employer and the individual health policy. You have to understand having an individual health insurance policy along with your company’s group insurance policy is advisable. You will be covered under the group policy only as long you work for the employer.
There is no exclusive insurance plan for woman in the market but the following points have to be made sure before taking a health insurance for a woman
** Take an individual policy for the each family member then a Family Floater which might cost slightly more but each family member will have an individual cover.
** Check is the pre-existing diseases covered under the plan
** Check if there is a waiting period for chronic ailments such as cysts or fibroids or a procedure like hysterectomy.
** Check for any discounts
** Check insurance cover of the new born baby.
** Check , whether women related diseases are covered
Generally health insurance plans for women will not cover
** Birth control / OR sterilization procedures
** Diagnostic tests (such as hysteroscopy, diagnostic laparoscopy) for any disease
Annual Premium for a 34 years old woman from Apollo Munich Insurance Company with a cover of Rs. 3 lac and with a critical Illness cover of Rs. 1.5 lac works out to be Rs. 4,796 . With less than Rs. 400 per month expense her health care is taken care.
A woman will always try to find some other reasons to avoid this expense & spend the same money for the family. but, she has to understand that she can not protect her family in the cost of her health.
So, do not delay your idea of taking your Health Insurance as you delay your premium will also be expensive with your age. You will also lose the chance of a eligible clime because of the waiting period. You can also enjoy the Income Tax Exemption.