Aadi Sale at Chennai Silks is unique and has been well received by the public.
The Scheme is as below :
The offer discounts up to 50 % with a dual concept - Complimentary Gifts or / Cash Discount which covers both independent and set's.
If a person shops for Rs.10,000 and gets a discount of Rs.2,500, he/she can Choose to avail gifts for similar value or ask for a cash discount on the bill Payable.
The consumer will get all branded products at hugely discounted rates.
The exciting consumer durable gifts range from well-known brands like Philips, Prestige, Butterfly, Samsung, Pigeon, Mahindra, Kenwin, Cannon, Panasonic and Tupperware.
Offer valid till August 16, 2013.
Venue : Chennai Silks, T.Nagar, Chennai
For Media Contact
Mr. Parul Bhatt
M : 98410 14925